Traffic Division


The Office of the District Attorney prosecutes violations of state traffic laws occurring within Caddo Parish. This includes tickets issued by:

  • Caddo Parish Sheriff’s Office
  • Louisiana State Police (issued in Caddo Parish)
  • Constables in Caddo Parish
  • Louisiana State University Police (Shreveport branch)
  • Louisiana State University Medical Center Police
  • Centenary College Police
  • Various other agencies (for example: Wildlife and Fisheries, DOTD, etc.)
  • Tickets issued by the Shreveport Police Department within Caddo Parish will be handled at Shreveport City Court. If you have such a ticket, please contact Shreveport City Court Criminal/Traffic Division Office at (318) 673-5830 or visit their website.

How to Read Your Ticket

Listed below are examples of tickets issued by Louisiana State Police and the Caddo Parish Sheriff’s Office. Any ticket issued by one of these agencies will be handled by the Office of the District Attorney.

Click the links below to see details about your ticket:

Payment Information

Not all traffic tickets are payable. Some traffic offenses require a mandatory court appearance. Examples of such offenses include Driving under Suspension, No Proof of Insurance, Reckless Operation, Careless Operation, Failure to Stop for a School Bus and any offense where an accident was involved. Tickets issued for non-payable offenses will be set up for court and a notice will be sent to you at the address provided on your ticket.

To find out the amount of your ticket contact the Caddo Parish Sheriff’s Office at (318) 681-0622. Payment in full should be made to the Caddo Parish Sheriff’s Office on or before the due date. Payment can be made either in person or by mail. Money Orders and Cash are acceptable forms of payment.

No personal checks or bank cards will be accepted.. You may pay in person at 501 Texas Street, Room 101 on the first floor in the Caddo Parish Courthouse between 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM or during non-office hours in the main lobby of the Caddo Correctional Center at 1101 Forum Street. Payments are also accepted at the South Substation at 9956 Mansfield Road in Keithville, Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM and the Oil City Substation at 1141 Hwy 1 in Oil City, Monday through Friday from 8:00AM to 5:00 PM. Money orders and cash ONLY are accepted at the Caddo Correctional Center and substations, no credit cards. To expedite payment of your ticket and reduce waiting time, please have a copy of the ticket you are paying with you when you pay your ticket in person.

Mail payments to:

Caddo Parish Sheriff’s Office
Fines and Bonds Division
501 Texas Street
Shreveport, LA 71101.

Please mail a copy of your ticket or write your ticket number on your money order when you send it in.

No partial payments will be accepted.

Please note that payment of a ticket constitutes a plea of guilty. Failure to pay your traffic ticket will result in suspension of your driver’s license and an additional suspension fee of $25 per ticket.

If you wish to enroll in the Traffic Pretrial Diversion program DO NOT PAY YOUR TICKET until instructed to do so by the Traffic Pretrial Division. If you pay your ticket prior to enrolling in the program you are no longer eligible to participate in the program. For more information click here.

Request a Court Date

You have the right to contest your ticket and appear before a judge in Court. Once your ticket has been set up for court, if you decide you want to pay your ticket out of court, this must be approved by the prosecuting assistant district attorney.

If you wish to contest your ticket in court click here. Do not submit a Pretrial Request, an Extension Request, or a Court Request for a ticket issued for DWI, DUS or any other non-payable offense. You will be notified at the address on the ticket with instructions for those offenses.

You will receive notification of your court date by email as well as by mail.

Request an Extension to Pay

The District Attorney’s Office will grant ONE 30 day extension to pay your ticket. The ticket must be paid at the end of the 30 day extension period or your driver’s license will be suspended.

It is not necessary to request an extension if you are submitting a request to be considered for the traffic pretrial program or if you are already enrolled in the program.

Participants in the Traffic Pretrial program have 25 business days from the date of enrollment to complete the program and therefore do not need an extension.

To request an extension to pay your ticket click here. Do not submit a Pretrial Request, an Extension Request, or a Court Request for a ticket issued for DWI, DUS or any other non-payable offense. You will be notified at the address on the ticket with instructions for those offenses.